Olympus PEN E-P3 first result

After one day playing and exploring the camera it was time to test the camera in an interior. So yesterday I've photographed a kitchen with the Canon 5D and the PEN.

The PEN has so much possibilities to tweak it to your hand that it took some time to get really started. The testshots on the back are very clear to see and you can swipe through each image or use the dial. With a double finger click on the back you can zoom in and drag.

The lens was set to manual focus and with the loop point you can focus with precision. Olympus didn't had a remote cord so I have to trigger the camera on the trigger button or on the back of the screen.

This is only the first test, the final review will be here in about two weeks. But I'd like to show you my progress. In this setup I set both cameras to ISO 200 and aperture f8.0. And I used the exact speedlights placement and flash power. In this shot 4 speedlights are used triggered by the Cactus V5 system.

Here are the two results. If you click on an image you can see the 1600 pixel size output (the limit of Blogger). I always process the images in Lightroom with minimal adjustments and almost no noise reduction. I have treated both images as I would normally do in post production. Nothing fancy. And I have to say that I was very impressed with this first test.

The Olympus has also a great bracketing function. I took a 7 exposure bracketing (easy to set in the menu) and processed it with PhotoMatix Pro 4 (enfused). This is much better than the 3 brackets in the Canon. With 7 brackets you can set the exposure by 0.7Ev apart. Just enough for smooth transistion between the exposures. The result:
Olympus PEN E-P3 7 exposure HDR

So far so good! Later on I will record a video to show you all my steps.

Today I am photographing exterior. And next on my list is shooting interior with higher ISO, barrel distortion in tight places like a bathroom. On monday I take the PEN on a real job and try to take the same pictures as the 5D for comparison. And maybe, really maybe leave the 5D at home end of next week to shoot only with the PEN. That will be exciting.

If you are interested in the original RAW file please give me an email so you can post process yourself.

Stay tuned form more!


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